The Cedars


The Cedars of Lebanon were famous throughout the ancient period for their priceless beauty and incredible strength. Solomon’s temple was built from the cedar trees as were the Phoenician ships that traveled to far distant shores. The immense and wondrous cedar forests of ancient times no longer exists. Only isolated patches are found today. They are the oldest now in Lebanon where about 375 Cedars of great age stand in the sheltered glacial pocket of Mount Makmel. Their stature and magnificence give an accurate idea of their once splendid beauty.

Today, the Cedars is known more for its famous skiing resorts. The ski settlement is one of the highest ranges in Lebanon, ensuring that from December through April, the mountains are covered with snow.

Gibran Museum in Bcharre, is dedicated to Khalil Gibran the late 19th century poet and artist. The museum contains hundreds of his drawings and paintings. The museum is opened everyday except Monday from 9 to 17.Admission is 2000 L.L.